안전놀이터 are places with fun, but most children suffer from traumatic brain injuries. There have been efforts to keep safety playground surfaces free from risk, but the number of children that suffer from injuries keeps increasing as the years go by. The helmet helps in preventing traumatic brain injuries. However, you cannot wear helmets in a playground.

More than three-quarters of these traumatic brain injuries occur in schools. The risk of injuries through outdoor activities and sports is higher when the temperatures warm up. It is essential to ensure you do a close check of the injuries. The following are ways to keep children safe in schools;

Remind teachers to be hyper-alert when children are playing. Whenever children are outside, teachers should not rest but monitor and supervise them as they play.

Ensure the surfaces where playground equipment has more than 12 inches of mulch, wood chips, pea or pea gravel, or mats made of rubber-like materials or safety-tested rubber. Ensure the playground does not have any concrete rocks, tree stumps, or footings.

Ensure there is no seating set up for teachers in the playground. When you do that, you diminish the need for supervision.

Separate playing equipment for children between two to five years from the others. Besides, ensure your toddlers do not play in the same areas as old ones because they can be easily knocked down.

Ensure there are no areas in the playground where kids can duck out from the teachers’ sight.

Check children’s clothing before letting them go to the playground. Look for drawstrings, necklaces, earrings, untied shoes, and loose belts.

Check if there is any hazards in the playground area before allowing the children to go. Ensure you inspect playground equipment to see if there are missing or broken parts, protruding fixtures or bolts, splinters, rust, cracks, and holes.

Install guardrails on every equipment platform. Ensure all openings in guardrails between ladder rungs and in other similar openings are less than 3.5 inches, and if there are more, they should be over 9 inches. Openings between ranges can trap children’s heads in the space.

Do not expose children to too much sunlight since there are very few playgrounds with sun protection. If the playground does not protect the sun, ensure no child goes out to play from 10 am to 2 pm because that is when the sun is at the peak to avoid injuries that may result from the sun;

Limit playtime when the sun exposure is at the peak. Besides, ensure you familiarize yourself with various signs of heat illnesses.

Avoid burns. When the playground equipment is too hot, it can burn the bare hands of anyone who touches it.

It is crucial to ensure children there are no risks when children are in 안전놀이터 to avoid any traumatic brain injury. The environment should be calm for children to have fun and create memories that can remain forever.