Many massage therapists focus on a holistic style of massage that originated in Polynesia. Practitioners of lomi lomi massage draw on various ancient Hawaiian healing modalities and the philosophy that mana (life force) is best shared in the here and now. If you want to feel better, become healthier, and find inner peace, a lomi lomi massage therapist can help you activate your mana to do all those things.

While “massage” is the literal translation of “lomi lomi,” there are many more names for this kind of bodywork.

  • Hawaiian Healing Massage
  • Lomi lomi in the classical style
  • Ho’oponopono dance of the temple variety
  • Massage with “Loving Hands”
  • Traditional Hawaiian Massage

Kahunas, or practitioners, used old Polynesian techniques and evolved and perfected them into modern 로미로미 (Lomi Lomi). Lovers of the Hawaiian Huna philosophy link lomi lomi and other therapeutic practices with their spirituality. Many authorities define Huna as a way of life. Because the practitioner uses loving hands and a loving heart to promote healing, lomi lomi is also known as “Loving Hands” massage.

Lomi lomi is a Hawaiian bodywork that kahunas often combine with other modalities, such as meditation, plant medicine, and breathing exercises. Mana, the life force they use, is akin to the qi used in acupuncture and acupressure in China and the ki used in reiki in Japan. They also use rubbing, kneading, and caressing, all of which are common in Western-style therapy.

What To Expect From The Session

The mana in your body will be awakened via chanting, local herbs, volcanic rocks, and fluid hand and arm motions performed by your lomi lomi practitioner. Thanks to the integrative, whole-person approach, you’ll be treated on all fronts, from the mental to the physical to the emotional to the spiritual. Be careful to inquire with your lomi lomi masseuse about the level of disrobing required and the level of covering provided.

Lomi lomi is characterized by large, sweeping movements that cover the whole body. It’s not like other types of massage when a sheet or many towels are used to cover the client. It’s also possible that your therapist may advise you to skip the towel or sheet and lay down right on the massage table. Your lomi lomi practitioner may sit quietly with you beforehand, possibly with their hands on your back.

They could silently pray for your health. The therapist doing your lomi lomi treatment will likely use their intuition to tailor the treatment to your specific needs. To put it simply, no two massages are the same. You should expect some slow motion and some quick motion throughout your session. Your massage therapist will probably use lengthy, steady strokes to work your muscles softly yet strongly.

The goal of this touch is to help you feel safe and cared for in your body, allowing you to let go and enjoy the moment. Long, continuous strokes over the whole body, using the practitioner’s forearms and hands, will be used to relax and soothe you. They may focus on several aspects of your body in tandem to give you a sense of overall balance and harmony.